Saturday, November 6, 2010

Robot Boy ♥        

You say you're not going to fight
Because no one will fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
You say you're not going to fight
Because no one will fight for you

You say the weight of the world
Has kept you from letting go
And you think compassion's a flaw
And you'll never let it show
And you're sure you've hurt in a way
That no one will ever know

But someday the weight of the world
Will give you strength to go

Hold on, the weight of the world
Will give you the strength to go
So hold on, the weight of the world
Will give you the strength to go
So hold on, the weight of the world
Will give you the strength to go
Just hold, on the weight of the world
Will give you the strength to go

En este caso, ese Robot del que hablan... es niña, es Robot Girl y soy yo. Lo que dice la canción es tan pero tan cierto, me proyecto en cada linea. Y no, no lo digo de una forma emo, lo digo en serio. Ya luché, ya hice y deshice por cosas que creía valían la pena (y en su tiempo SI lo valieron), ya sufrí más de lo que debí y todo para que? No no, eso simplemente no vuelve a pasar. Como Robotito por la vida, pero sin golpes no? Es mejor así. "The weight of the world will give you strength to go" y así pasó. Y obvio, no voy a luchar por quien no lucha por mi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i guess u eventually will learn to love with the remain pieces of that broken tiny thing that is still pumping in your chest so lets take it slow n just walk beside the highway n see what comes before the dark will come upon us...

meanwhile put a smile upon your face =)
vamos x los chivos =D